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December 1974 Barry Rowe Aviary construction.jpg


”During the summer of 1969/70 in Ōtorohanga a chemist, a bricklayer and a locum doctor found that they shared a dream. It took … hard work and determination, particularly by Barry Rowe and Bob Horsfall, with the support and encouragement of a number of other people to [realise] that dream [which was] centred on the rescue of NZ's unique flora and fauna from annihilation.


… To young `Greenie" eyes the ugly process of logging in the area was a spur to action. Autumn skies filled with smoke from indiscriminate clear felling of virgin forests gave further impetus to the process. Flocks of bewildered refugee kaka circling above a bush camp added a sense of urgency.


A veritable Noah's Ark was needed to save much of our native fauna from the flood of destructive forces they were facing.


….What better flag to fly than the holding, breeding and display of our national icon the flightless kiwi?

Kiwi House Entry


Led by Barry's fertile mind, discussions and enquiries took place about the construction of a giant walk-through geodetic dome aviary and a nocturnal house. The only other nocturnal house in the world at the time was in the San Diego Zoo. Apart from financial constraints another potential impediment was --yes, more bureaucracy!


The Wild Life Department required that an Internal Affairs permit be obtained before kiwis could be held. Despite this, nocturnal house development began with donations of money and enthusiastic voluntary labour. Before it's completion other organizations appeared. The NZ Insurance Company donated funds for a nocturnal house at the Auckland Zoo and a Government minister took copies of Ōtorohanga plans to Rotorua. 


Meanwhile a stray kiwi had joined the Rowe household and temporary permission granted to care for it. A great deal was learned about kiwi dietary and other ratite requirements. Fortune smiled and several months later this lonely bird was joined by two more. On completion, the nocturnal house was furnished with a good supply of leaf litter, NZ native plants and an enticing nesting tunnel.


Meanwhile the kiwi were meticulously cared for by Barry and Bob and veterinary surgeon Ian Wright until at last---Great relief! The long withheld permit arrived. Noah's Ark was legally loaded and launched [and New Zealand's first Kiwi House opened on July 17, 1971].
(Dr. Ripley Jones – M.D.)

Barry Rowe Aviary early 1980's.jpg


Co-Founder and local pharmacist, Barry Rowe, worked as a volunteer for 13 years to develop the Ōtorohanga Kiwi House & Native Bird Park. 

The Pharmacist: Barry Rowe


("No" and "can't" were words that did not exist in his vocabulary). He was a true pioneer in kiwi (bird) research.


In 1984 he was offered the position of Project Manager of Australia's Northern Territory Fauna Park at Berry Creek where he stayed for six years.


On returning to New Zealand he accepted a job on Maud Island monitoring Kakapo for the Department of Conservation. Then it was back to Australia to Alice Springs to develop the Desert Wildlife Park. He returned to his Whangarei pharmacy in 1996.


In 1990 he was awarded the Queen's Service Medal which he accepted "...on behalf of all those who supported me in those early difficult days. What you have achieved has been a truly magnificent community effort."

1983-84 Otorohanga Kiwi House.jpg


Co-Founder and professional bricklayer, Bob Horsfall, immigrated to New Zealand in 1960 from Malvern, Worcestershire, England after completing his compulsory military training and service in Malaysia. 

Bob Horsfall Kiwi House

The Brick Layer: Bob Horsfall

His appreciation of our native forests was evident in his concern about the indiscriminate logging of the time – conservation issues and native forest restoration became his passion.


Bob served as a member of the Ōtorohanga Community Board from 1980–1986 and again in 1989 until his death in 1998. He was always dedicated to his conservation and preservation principles.

New Zealands First Nocturnal House
Barry Roew Aviary Opens Historical
Kiwi House Historical Time Line
1st Kiwi Hatched
Nocturnal Houses For Kiwi
Historical Kiwi House


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